Issue Contents (Current and Past Issues)

To order past issues please use this link – and in the special comments box, list what issue(s) you would like to order.

Subscribers need to download each issue as they are posted since the back issue disappears with each new issue release.

Below are the contents of all issues. To purchase any of these issues, just click on the link above.  Active subscribers never have to purchase back issues if they neglected to download them during the active term of their subscription or have otherwise lost them. Just write and request a duplicate electronic issue.
In addition to the following, issues include:

  • A Vintage Report
  • Weather and Harvest
  • The Wines
  • What to Buy
  • A Recap of the Previous Vintage
  • California and Oregon Pinot Noir Reviews
  • The En Plus section includes wines that are reviewed/tasted outside of the theme of the current issue; but are normally reviewed (i.e. Burgundy, Chablis, Champagne, etc.)

(all subject to change as necessary by publisher)

Current Issue

Issue 95, June 2024
  • 2022 and 2021 Côte d’Or Whites
  • 204 Producers and 1,463 Reviews
  • En Plus
  • Current Release California and Oregon Pinot Noir
  • Current Release Champagne and Sparkling
  • Progress Report – 1955 Vintage Grand Cru Horizontal
  • Quick Takes – 5 Brief Horizontals and Verticals

Past Issues

Issue 94, April 2024
  • 2022 and 2021 Côte de Beaune Reds
  • 153 Producers and 1,164 Reviews
  • En Plus – More Current Release Burgundy
  • Current Release Champagne
  • Current Release California and Oregon Pinot Noir
  • Progress Report  – 1985 Vintage Grand Cru Horizontal
Issue 93, January 2024
  • 2022 and 2021 Côte de Nuits Reds
  • 130 Producers and 1,564 Reviews
  • Progress Report #1 – Domaine Perrot-Minot Chambertin and Clos de Bèze Mini-Vertical
  • Progress Report #2 – 2003 “20 Years On” Grand Cru Mini-Horizontal
Issue 92, October 2023
  • 2022 and 2021 Chablis, Mâconnais and Côte Chalonnaise
  • 163 Producers and 1,158 Reviews
  • Current Release California Pinot Noir
  • Current Release Oregon Pinot Noir
  • Current Release Champagne
  • En Plus – More Current Release Burgundy and Other Pinot Regions
  • Progress Report – Current Release Beaujolais
Issue 91, June 2023
  • 2021 and 2020 Côte d’Or Whites
  • 198 Producers and 1,149 Reviews
  • Current Release California Pinot Noir
  • Current Release Oregon Pinot Noir
Issue 90, April 2023
  • 2021 and 2020 Côte de Beaune Reds
  • 149 Producers and 1,034 Reviews
  • Current Release California Pinot Noir
  • Current Release Oregon Pinot Noir
  • Progress Report #1: Domaine de la Romanée 2000 Vintage Horizontal
  • Progress Report #2: Domaine Méo-Camuzet Mini-Horizontal
Issue 89, January 2023
  • 2021 and 2020 Côte de Nuits Reds
  • 123 Producers and 1,523 Reviews
  • Progress Report: Romanée-Conti Vertical, 1997 to 2021 (plus 1937)
Issue 88, October 2022
  • 2021 and 2020 Chablis, Mâconnais and Côte Chalonnaise
  • 200 Producers and 960 Reviews
  • Current Release California Pinot Noir
  • Current Release Oregon Pinot Noir
  • En Plus – More Current Release Burgundy and Champagne
  • Special Report: The 2011 Vintage Today
Issue 87, June 2022
  • 2020 and 2019 Côte d’Or Whites
  • 199 Producers and 1,451 Reviews
  • Current Release California Pinot Noir
  • Current Release Oregon Pinot Noir
Issue 86, April 2022
  • 2020 and 2019 Côte de Beaune Reds
  • 158 Producers and 1,179 Reviews
  • Current Release California Pinot Noir
  • Current Release Oregon Pinot Noir
  • Current Release Champagne
  • En Plus: More Current Release Burgundy
Issue 85, January 2022
  • 2020 and 2019 Côte d’Or Reds
  • 136 Producers and 1,671 Reviews
  • Current Release Champagne
  • En Plus: More Current Release Burgundy
Issue 84, October 2021
  • 2020 and 2019 Chablis, Mâconnais and Côte Chalonnaise
  • 121 Producers and 1,113 Reviews
  • Current Release California Pinot Noir
  • Current Release Oregon Pinot Noir
  • Current Release Champagne
  • En Plus: More Current Release Burgundy
Issue 83, June 2021
  • 2019 and 2018 Côte d’Or Whites
  • 221 Producers and 1,500 Reviews
  • Current Release California Pinot Noir
  • Current Release Oregon Pinot Noir
Issue 82, April 2021
  • 2019 and 2018 Côte de Nuits Beaune
  • 152 Producers and 1,241 Reviews
  • Current Release California Pinot Noir
  • Current Release Oregon Pinot Noir
  • En Plus: More Current Release Burgundy
Issue 81, January 2021
  • 2019 and 2018 Côte de Nuits Reds
  • 118 Producers and 1,567 Reviews
  • An Important Note on California and Oregon Pinot Noir

Due to Covid, issue 80 was released as Part 1 as scheduled in October, and then a Part 2 bonus supplement was added, so be sure to download both parts!  All wines are in the database under issue 80; the tasted date for Part 1 is October 2020 and the tasted date for Part 2 is November 2020.

Issue 80, Part 2 Bonus Supplement, December 2020
  • 2019 and 2018 Chablis, Mâconnais and Côte Chalonnaise
  • 69 Producers and 687 Reviews
Issue 80, Part 1, October 2020
  • 2018 and 2017 Chablis, Mâconnais and Côte Chalonnaise
  • 213 Producers and 765 Reviews
  • Current Release Beaujolais
  • En Plus: More Current Release Burgundy
  • Current Release California Pinot Noir
  • Current Release Oregon Pinot Noir
  • Current Release Champagne
  • Special Report:  Current Release New Zealand Pinot Noir
Issue 79, June 2020
  • 2018 and 2017 Côte d’Or Whites
  • 199 Producers and 1,438 Reviews
  • Current Release California Pinot Noir
  • Current Release Oregon Pinot Noir
Issue 78, April 2020
  • 2018 and 2017 Côte de Beaune Reds
  • 151 Producers and 1,298 Reviews
  • Current Release California Pinot Noir
  • Current Release Oregon Pinot Noir
  • En Plus: More Current Release Burgundy
  • Progress Report:  Michel Lafarge Clos du Château des Ducs and Clos des Chênes Vertical – 23 Wines from 1988 – 2011
Issue 77, January 2020
  • 2018 and 2017 Côte de Nuits Reds
  • 137 Producers and 1,626 Reviews
  • Current Release California Pinot Noir
  • Current Release Oregon Pinot Noir
Issue 76, October 2019
  • 2018 and 2017 Chablis, Mâconnais and Côte Chalonnaise
  • 147 Producers and 1,314 Reviews
  • Current Release California Pinot Noir
  • Current Release Oregon Pinot Noir
  • Current Release Champagne/Sparkling
  • En Plus: More Current Release Burgundy
  • Progress Report:  Historic Clos St. Jacques Vertical – 159 wines from 1943 to 2016
Issue 75, June 2019
  • 2017 and 2016 Côte d’Or Whites
  • 224 Producers and 1,548 Reviews
  • Current Release California Pinot Noir
  • Current Release Oregon Pinot Noir
  • Progress Report:  53 Recently Tasted Wines from the Domaine Comte de Vogüé
Issue 74, April 2019
  • 2017 and 2016 Côte de Beaune Reds
  • 152 Producers and 1,280 Reviews
  • Current Release California Pinot Noir
  • Current Release Oregon Pinot Noir
  • En Plus: More Current Release Burgundy
  • A Primer on Brettanomyces
  • Progress Report:  A Gros Family Richebourg Vertical – 26 Vintages from 1969 to 2013
Issue 73, January 2019
  • 2017 and 2016 Côte de Nuits Reds
  • 128 Producers and 1,567 Reviews
  • En Plus: More Current Release Burgundy
  • Progress Report:  An Historic Vertical of Clos des Cortons Faiveley – 48 Vintages over 90 years – from 1926 to 2016
Issue 72, October 2018
  • 2017 and 2016 Chablis, Mâconnais and Côte Chalonnaise
  • 144 Producers and 1,093 Reviews
  • Current Release California Pinot Noir
  • Current Release Oregon Pinot Noir
  • Current Release Champagne/Sparkling
  • En Plus: More Current Release Burgundy
  • Progress Report: The 2002 and 2007 Vintages from Domaine Coche-Dury
Issue 71, June 2018
  • 2016 and 2015 Côte d’Or Whites
  • 202 Produces and 1,243 Reviews
  • Current Release California Pinot Noir
  • Current Release Oregon Pinot Noir
  • Current Release Champagne/Sparkling
  • Progress Report:  Two Domaine Dujac Verticals:  Clos de la Roche and Clos St. Denis – 1971 to 2010
Issue 70, April 2018
  • 2016 and 2015 Côte de Beaune Reds
  • 154 Producers and 1,125 Reviews
  • Current Release California Pinot Noir
  • Current Release Oregon Pinot Noir
  • Current Release Champagne
  • En Plus:  More Current Release Burgundy
  • Progress Report:  Assorted wines from Henri Jayer, Méo-Camuzet and Emmanuel Rouget
Issue 69, January 2018
  • 2016 and 2015 Côte de Nuits Reds
  • 151 Producers and 1,607 Reviews
  • Current Release California Pinot Noir
  • Current Release Oregon Pinot Noir
  • Current Release Champagne
  • En Plus:  More Current Release Burgundy
  • Progress Report:  Domaine Jacques-Frédéric Mugnier – A Retrospective of Clos de la Maréchale
Issue 68, October 2017
  • 2016 and 2015 Chablis, Mâconnais and Côte Chalonnaise
  • Current Release California Pinot Noir
  • Current Release Oregon Pinot Noir
  • Current Release Champagne
  • En Plus:  More Current Release Burgundy
  • Special Report:  Chilean Pinot Noir Project
  • Progress Report #1: Claude Dugat Charmes/Griotte-Chambertin Vertical
  • Progress Report #2: Denis/Charles Mortet Chambertin Vertical
Issue 67, June 2017
  • 2015 and 2014 Côte d’Or Whites
  • Current Release California Pinot Noir
  • Current Release Oregon Pinot Noir
  • Current Release Champagne
  • En Plus:  More Current Release Burgundy
  • Progress Report #1: Clos des Ducs Vertical – 42 Vintages from 1964 to 2014
  • Progress Report #2: Williams Selyem Pinot Noir Magnum Vertical from 1985 to 1996
Issue 66, April 2017
  • 2015 and 2014 Côte de Beaune Reds
  • Current Release California Pinot Noir
  • Current Release Oregon Pinot Noir
  • Current Release Champagne
  • En Plus:  More Current Release Burgundy
  • Progress Report: A 20 Wine Leroy Clos de Vougeot Vertical—1976-2013
Issue 65, January 2017
  • 2015 and 2014 Côte de Nuits Reds
  • Current Release California Pinot Noir
  • Current Release Oregon Pinot Noir
  • Current Release Champagne
  • En Plus:  More Current Release Burgundy
  • Progress Report: A 29 Wine Domaine Jean Grivot Richebourg Vertical 1985-2013
Issue 64, October 2016
  • 2015 and 2014 Chablis, Mâconnais and Côte Chalonnaise
  • Current Release California Pinot Noir
  • Current Release Oregon Pinot Noir
  • Current Release Champagne/Sparkling
  • En Plus:  More Current Release Burgundy
  • Progress Report:  Current Release New Zealand Pinot Noir
Issue 63, June 2016
  • 2014 and 2013 Côte d’Or Whites
  • En Plus:  More Current Release Burgundy
  • Progress Report #1: Current Release Beaujolais Report with a Short Beaujolais Primer
  • Progress Report #2:  Domaine Jacques-Frédéric “Les Fuées” 11 Vintage Vertical
Issue 62, April 2016
  • 2014 and 2013 Côte de Beaune Reds
  • Current Release California Pinot Noir
  • Current Release Oregon Pinot Noir
  • En Plus:  More Current Release Burgundy
  • Progress Report #1: A 17 Vintage Vertical of Domaine Mongeard-Mugneret Echézeaux and Echézeaux Vieilles Vignes
  • Progress Report #2:  An Eclectic Mix of Wines and Vintages from Domaine Mongeard-Mugneret
Issue 61, January 2016
  • 2014 and 2013 Côte de Nuits Reds
  • Current Release California Pinot Noir
  • Current Release Oregon Pinot Noir
  • En Plus:  More Current Release Burgundy
  • En Plus:  Current Release Champagne
  • Progress Report:  A 74-Wine La Romanée Vertical from 1865-2012
Issue 60, October 2015
  • 2014 and 2013 Chablis, Mâconnais and Côte Chalonnaise
  • Current Release California Pinot Noir
  • Current Release Oregon Pinot Noir
  • En Plus:  Current Release Champagne and Sparkling
  • En Plus:  More Current Release Burgundy
  • Progress Reports:  #1 – Domaine Armand Rousseau – A 30-Wine Retrospective of mostly Chambertin and Clos de Bèze; and #2 – A Champagne Retrospective – An Eclectic Mix of Houses, Vintages and (mostly) Luxury Cuvées
Issue 59, June 2015
  • 2013 and 2012 Côte d’Or Whites
  • Current Release California Pinot Noir
  • Current Release Oregon Pinot Noir
  • En Plus:  Current Release Champagne
  • Progress Reports:  #1 – A 16 Vintage Vertical of Les Suchots from Confuron-Cotétidot from 1978-2012; #2 – A 17 Vintage Vertical of Aux Brûlées from Domaine Méo-Camuzet from 1978-2004
Issue 58, April 2015
  • 2013 and 2012 Côte de Beaune Reds
  • Current Release California Pinot Noir
  • Current Release Oregon Pinot Noir
  • En Plus:  More Current Release Champagne
  • En Plus:  More Current Release Burgundy
  • Progress Reports:  #1 Pinots from British Columbia, Canada; #2 – Mini-Verticals of DRC Richebourg and Drouhin Marquis de LaGuiche Montrachet
Issue 57, January 2015
  • 2013 and 2012 Côte de Nuits Reds
  • Current Release California Pinot Noir
  • Current Release Oregon Pinot Noir
  • En Plus:  More Champagne
  • En Plus:  More Current Release Burgundy
  • Progress Report:  Domaine Ponsot – 1999 and 2001 Grand Cru Horizontals
Issue 56, October 2014
  • 2013 and 2012 Chablis, Mâconnais and Côte Chalonnaise
  • Current Release California Pinot Noir
  • Current Release Oregon Pinot Noir
  • En Plus:  More Current Release Burgundy and Champagne
  • Progress Report:  Two Louis Jadot Verticals – Chevalier-Montrachet “Les Demoiselles” and Musigny
  • Special Report:  The Wines of Limoux
Issue 55, June 2014
  • 2012 and 2011 Côte d’Or Whites
  • Current Release California Pinot Noir
  • Current Release Oregon Pinot Noir
  • En Plus:  Champagne
  • En Plus:  More 2012, 2011 and 2010 Burgundies
  • Progress Report:  Miscellaneous Wines from Domaine Coche-Dury – A Sampling of 23 Wines from 1988 to 2010
Issue 54, April 2014
  • 2012 and 2011 Côte de Beaune Reds
  • Current Release California Pinot Noir
  • Current Release Oregon Pinot Noir
  • En Plus:  More 2012 and 2011 Côte de Nuits Reds
  • Progress Report:  Horizontal Tasting of 2010 Clos de Vougeot – 50 Wines from 37 Domaines and 13 Négociants
Issue 53, January 2014
  • 2012 and 2011 Côte de Nuits Reds
  • Current Release California Pinot Noir
  • En Plus Burgundy and Current Release Champagne
  • Progress Report: Château de La Tour Clos de Vougeot Vertical, 30 Wines from 1885 to 2010
Issue 52, October 2013
  • 2012 and 2011 Chablis, Mâconnais and Côte Chalonnaise
  • Current Release California Pinot Noir
  • Current Release Oregon Pinot Noir
  • En Plus Current Release Champagne; En Plus Burgundy
  • Progress Report: Pinot Noirs of New Zealand
Issue 51, June 2013
  • 2011 and 2010 Côte d’Or Whites
  • Current Release California Pinot Noir
  • Current Release Oregon Pinot Noir
  • En Plus – More Current Release Champagnes/Sparklers
  • Progress Report: Pinots, Chards and Sparklers from Ontario, Canada
Issue 50, April 2013
  • 2011 and 2010 Côte de Beaune Reds
  • Current Release California Pinot Noir
  • Current Release Oregon Pinot Noir
  • En Plus – mostly 2011 and 2010 Côte d’Or Reds
  • Progress Report: Verticals of Domaine Comtes Lafon Meursault Perrières and Clos da la Barre
Issue 49, January 2013
  • 2011 and 2010 Côte de Nuits Reds
  • Current Release California Pinot Noir
  • Current Release Oregon Pinot Noir
  • En Plus – more Burgundy
  • Current release Champagne
  • Progress Report: Leroy Chambertin, 16 Vintages from 1937-2003
Issue 48, October 2012
  • 2011 and 2010 Chablis, Mâconnais and Côte Chalonnaise
  • Current Release California Pinot Noir
  • Current Release Oregon Pinot Noir
  • En Plus – more Burgundy plus current release Champagne
  • Progress Report: Méo-Camuzet Richebourg – Complete Retrospective 1985-2006
Issue 47, June 2012
  • 2010 and 2009 Côte d’Or Whites
  • Current Release California Pinot Noir
  • Current Release Oregon Pinot Noir
  • Article: An Update on Premature Oxidation
  • En Plus
  • Progress report: Coche-Dury Verticals of Corton-Charlemagne & Perrières
Issue 46, April 2012
  • 2010 and 2009 Côte de Beaune Reds
  • Current Release California Pinot Noir
  • Current Release Oregon Pinot Noir
  • En Plus
  • Progress Report: A Vertical of Marquis d’Angerville Volnay “Clos des Ducs” – 21 vintages from 1920-2008
Issue 45, January 2012
  • 2010 and 2009 Côte de Nuits Reds
  • Current Release California Pinot Noir
  • En Plus
  • Progress Report 1: Domaine Faiveley – 10 Vintages of Les Cazetiers
  • Progress Report 2: La Tâche Vertical – 20 Vintages from 1979-2006
Issue 44, October 2011
  • 2010 and 2009 Chablis, Mâconnais and Côte Chalonnaise
  • Current Release California Pinot Noir
  • Current Release Oregon Pinot Noir
  • En Plus
  • Progress Report: A Mini-Horizontal of Top Wines from the 1971 Vintage
Issue 43, July 2011
  • 2009 and 2008 Côte d’Or Whites
  • Article: A Brief Update on Premature Oxidation
Issue 42, April 2011
  • 2009 and 2008 Côte de Beaune Reds
  • Current Release California and Oregon Pinot Noir
  • En Plus
Issue 42 Supplement, May 2011
  • 2009 Maison Louis Jadot Reds
Issue 41, January 2011
  • 2009 and 2008 Côte de Nuits Reds
  • Current Release California Pinot Noir
  • Current Release Oregon Pinot Noir
  • En Plus
  • Progress Report: Domaine Pousse d’Or – Vertical Tasting – Ten Vintages for Five Wines, 1999-2008
Issue 40, October 2010
  • 2009 and 2008 Chablis, Mâconnais and Côte Chalonnaise
  • Current Release California Pinot Noir
  • Current Release Oregon Pinot Noir
  • En Plus
  • Progress Report: A Mini-Vertical of Maison Bouchard Père et Fils, Chevalier-Montrachet “La Cabotte”
Issue 39, July 2010
  • 2008 and 2007 Côte d’Or Whites
  • Article: An Update on Premature Oxidation
  • Progress Report: 20 Vintages of Clos de Vougeot Vertical from Dr. Georges Mugneret, 1961-2002
Issue 38, April 2010
  • 2008 and 2007 Côte de Beaune Reds
  • Current Release California and Oregon Pinot Noir
  • En Plus
  • Article: “It was Bound to Happen Sooner or Later – Viticultural Philosophies Finally Collide” [varying farming techniques]
Issue 37, January 2010
  • 2008 and 2007 Côte de Nuits Reds
  • Current Release Oregon Pinot Noir
  • En Plus
  • Progress Report: Clos de Tart – An Historic Tasting of 56 Vintages from 1887-2005
Issue 36, October 2009
  • 2008 and 2007 Chablis, Mâconnais and Côte Chalonnaise
  • Current Release California Pinot Noir
  • En Plus
  • Article: Two Asides on Chablis – Premature Oxidation; and Economic Disarray
  • Article: Champagne – The State of the Market; A Few Fun Facts to Know and Tell About Champagne; A Few Brief Observations on Recent Vintages; Champagne Categories
  • Progress Report: Current Release Champagne
Issue 35, July 2009
  • 2007 and 2006 Côte d’Or Whites
  • Current Release California Pinot Noir
  • Article: A Brief Update on Premature Oxidation
Issue 34, April 2009
  • 2007 and 2006 Côte de Beaune Reds
  • En Plus
Issue 33, January 2009
  • 2007 and 2006 Côte de Nuits Reds
  • En Plus
  • Article: Editorial Comment – Questionable Advice [re adding powdered tannins to the musts]
  • Progress Report: The Fabulous 1985 Vintage (Two 1985 Tastings – Richebourg Plus 21 Other Grands Crus)
Issue 32, October 2008
  • 2007 and 2006 Chablis, Mâconnais and Côte Chalonnaise
  • Current Release California Pinot Noir
  • Current Release Oregon Pinot Noir
  • En Plus
  • Article: Editorial Comment – An Open Letter to US Pinot Producers
  • Progress Report: A 35 Vintage Vertical of Clos des Epeneaux, 1864-2002
Issue 31, July 2008
  • 2006 and 2005 Côte d’Or Whites
  • En Plus
  • Article: A Brief Update on Premature Oxidation
  • Progress Report: A 52 Wine Retrospective of Domaine Méo-Camuzet
Issue 30, April 2008
  • 2006 and 2005 Côte de Beaune Reds
  • En Plus
  • Article: Reduction and its Significance
  • Progress Report: A 36 Vintage Vertical of La Grand Rue, 1954-2006
Issue 29, January 2008
  • 2006 and 2005 Côte de Nuits Reds
  • En Plus
  • Progress Report: On the Sevens…and a Half – An 86 Wine Retrospective from 1997, 1982, 1962, 1957, 1947, 1937 (plus a few more gems)
Issue 28, October 2007
  • 2006 and 2005 Chablis, Mâconnais and Côte Chalonnaise
  • Current Release California Pinot Noir
  • Current Release Oregon Pinot Noir
  • En Plus
  • Progress Report 1: A Small Tasting of Martinborough (NZ) Pinots
  • Progress Report 2: Current Release Champagnes and Sparklers
Issue 27, July 2007
  • 2005 and 2004 Côte d’Or Whites
  • En Plus
  • Article: A Brief Update on Premature Oxidation
  • Article: Terroir Focus – Marsannay
Issue 26, April 2007
  • 2005 and 2004 Côte de Beaune Reds
  • En Plus
  • Article: Reduction and its Significance
  • Progress Report 1: 1966 Musigny Horizontal
  • Progress Report 2: Domaine Georges Roumier Verticals of Bonnes Mares (33 Wines, 32 Vintages) and Musigny (14 Wines, 14 Vintages)
Issue 25, January 2007
  • 2005 and 2004 Côte de Nuits Reds
  • En Plus
  • Progress Report: A Richebourg Vertical from Domaines Jean and Louis Gros – 13 Wines, 1928-1993
Issue 24, October 2006
  • 2005 and 2004 Chablis, Mâconnais and Côte Chalonnaise
  • Current Release Oregon Pinot Noir
  • En Plus
  • Progress Report 1: On the Sixes – 115 Wine Retrospective, 1966, 1976, 1986, 1996
  • Progress Report 2: A Trek to La Tour d’Argent
Issue 23, July 2006
  • 2004 and 2003 Côte d’Or Whites
  • Current Release California Pinot Noir
  • En Plus
  • Article: More on Premature Oxidation
  • Special Report: Domaine de la Romanée-Conti Grands-Echézeaux Vertical – 20 Vintages, 1937-2002
Issue 22, April 2006
  • 2004 and 2003 Côte de Beaune Reds
  • En Plus
  • Terroir Focus: Volnay – A Basic Primer
Issue 21, January 2006
  • 2004 and 2003 Côte de Nuits Reds
  • En Plus
  • Article: Two Brief Essays “Old Burgundy and Cutting” and “Reconditioned Burgundy and the Philosophical Dilemma Behind It”
  • Progress Report: A Series of Six Special Tastings from Maison Bouchard Père et Fils – 86 Wines from 1846-2003
Issue 20, October 2005
  • 2004 and 2003 Chablis, Mâconnais and Côte Chalonnaise
  • Current Release Oregon Pinot Noir
  • En Plus
  • Article: The Declining Reliability of White Burgundy [premature oxidation]
  • Progress Report 1: Domaine Comte de Vogüé 65 Wine Retrospective
  • Progress Report 2: Two Maison Louis Jadot Verticals: 10 Vintages of Chevalier les Demoiselles and Musigny
Issue 19, July 2005
  • 2003 and 2002 Côte d’Or Whites
  • Current Release California Pinot Noir
  • En Plus
  • Article: 2003 and 1947 – A Brief Essay
  • Special Report 1: Domaine J.-F. Mugnier Musigny Vertical, 15 Wines – 1985-2001
  • Special Report 2: Domaine Mugneret-Gibourg Echézeaux Vertical – 11 Wines, 1953-2000
Issue 18, April 2005
  • 2003 and 2002 Côte de Beaune Reds
  • Special Report: Ten Decades of Romanée St. Vivant – 37 Vintages, 135 Wines, 1911-2001
Issue 17, January 2005
  • 2003 and 2002 Côte de Nuits Reds
  • En Plus
  • Progress Report 1: Forty Years of Henri-Jayer’s Richebourg – 19 Wines, 1957-1987
  • Progress Report 2: A 25 Wine Retrospective of the1952 and 1953 Vintages
Issue 16, October 2004
  • 2003 and 2002 Chablis, Mâconnais and Côte Chalonnaise
  • En Plus
  • Article: 1996 Vintage in Chablis
  • Article: 1996 Whites from the Côte d’Or [premature oxidation]
  • Progress Report 1: Meursault “Perrières” from Domaines Coche-Dury, Comtes Lafon and Guy Roulot
  • Progress Report 2: 2002 Oregon Pinot Noir
Issue 15, July 2004
  • 2002 and 2001 Côte d’Or Whites
  • En Plus
  • Special Report 1: 1997 Vintage Recap – Where are the Wines Today?
  • Special Report 2: Top Flight Domestic Pinot – Good, Bad or Just Different? 102 Wines, 1987-2001
Issue 14, April 2004
  • 2002 and 2001 Côte de Beaune Reds
  • En Plus
  • Special Report: Ten Decades of La Romanée – 31 Vintages, 1915-2002
Issue 13, January 2004
  • 2002 and 2001 Côte de Nuits Reds
  • Article: Reduction and its Significance
  • Progress Report: A Complete History of Cros Parantoux, 70 Wines, 1970-2000 – Domaine Henri Jayer, Domaine Méo-Camuzet and Domaine Emmanuel Rouget
Issue 12, October 2003
  • 2002 and 2001 Chablis, Mâconnais and Côte Chalonnaise
  • En Plus
  • Article: The 1996 Vintage in Chablis [premature oxidation]
  • Article: Focus on the Mâconnais
  • Progress Report: 36 Vintages of La Tâche from the Domaine de la Romanée-Conti, 1923-2000
Issue 11, July 2003
  • 2001 and 2000 Côte d’Or Whites
  • En Plus
  • Special Report: Complete History of Joseph Drouhin’s Petits Monts, 1985-2001
Issue 10, April 2003
  • 2001 and 2000 Côte de Beaune Reds
  • En Plus
  • Article: Terroir Focus – Morey St. Denis
  • Special Report: Montrachet at Montrachet in NYC – 35 Wines, 1939—2000
Issue 9, January 2003
  • 2001 and 2000 Côte de Nuits Reds
  • Article: Terroir Focus – Gevrey-Chambertin
  • Progress Report: Chambertin vs. Clos de Bèze – 117 Wines, 1919-1999
Issue 8, October 2002
  • 2001 and 2000 Chablis, Mâcon and Côte Chalonnaise
  • Article: 1996’s [premature oxidation]
  • Article: Chablis – A Basic Primer
  • Progress Report: 30 Vintages of Maison Louis Jadot’s Corton Charlemagne, 1970-1999
Issue 7, July 2002
  • 2000 and 1999 Côte d’Or Whites
  • En Plus
  • Special Report: 16 Vintages of La Tâche, 1962-1998
Issue 6, April 2002
  • 2000 and 1999 Côte de Beaune Reds
  • En Plus
  • Special Report: 1959-2000 Clos des Perrières Vertical
Issue 5, January 2002
  • 2000 and 1999 Côte de Nuits Reds
  • Progress Report: A Decade of Richebourg – 92 Wines, 1990-1999 and more
Issue 4, October 2001
  • Annual Cellar Report (1988-1996 Vintages and Present Day Drinkability)
  • En Plus
  • Progress Report: 16 Vintages of Clos des Lambrays
Issue 3, July 2001:
  • 1999 and 1998 Côte d’Or White Burgundies
  • Article: Côte de Beaune and Côte de Beaune-Villages
  • Progress Report: 17 Vintages of Marquis d’Angerville’s Clos des Ducs
Issue 2, April 2001:
  • 1999 and 1998 Côte de Beaune Reds
  • En Plus
  • Progress Report: 1988-1998 Musigny Vertical
Issue 1, January 2001:
  • 1999 and 1998 Côte de Nuits Reds
  • En Plus
  • Progress Report: 1992 Corton-Charlemagne

To order past issues please use this link – and in the special comments box, list what issue(s) you would like to order.

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